I have a knack for words.
Meaning that I like to talk.
A lot.
I'm very much a verbal processor. If something big is going on in my life at any given time, no less than 5 of my closest people will know about it. I also really appreciate giving and getting feedback. I'm very honest with where my head and heart are, even when they don't align and always when I'm falling short on my Christian duties of not seeking the Lord first.
So if you meet me IRL, then you'll soon find out my life story, how I met my husband, my favorite snack, and how I get my baby to go to sleep quickly. All random things. About my life. Open book.
And I know not everyone is that way. Some people would rather live in the background doing their life quietly and moving in ways that please the Lord under the radar.
But when I think about the woman and mama that I am today, I think about the women that have shaped that. And the women that have shaped them. Legacies of faith intermingled.
One day while I was laying by the pool in January reading Susan Hunt's Spiritual Mothering, it occurred to me that women of faith are right in my backyard, and I seek wisdom and mentoring from them for certain situations, so why not encourage them to share their faith and rhythms of motherhood with the world?
I made a list of women that are living out their faith that I can see and know in my heart of hearts love Jesus and would have a heart to share their stories with mamas in similar situations.
And I thought about the mamas, like me, that don't have it altogether. That would welcome someone to come alongside them and show them a glimpse into their world, in hopes to transform more into Christ's image.
God planted this seed. A podcast. The Hearing from Normal Mamas Podcast. A place where mamas can speak of the good, bad, lessons, faithfulness, the one true God. It's not a sales pitch. It's a story. True lives of faithfulness that aren't on the big screen with 1M followers, but have their tiny followers at home and planting seeds in their backyard. It's so good. It's so holy.
I'm not worthy, but I'm thankful for the gift.